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Polyurethane Sealant Services

Polyurethane sealant services can renew the strength of your driveway or patio and make them last longer and look beautiful!

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Polyurethane Sealant Services

Michigan winters are especially brutal on concrete surfaces and will eventually crack after a series of freezing-and-thawing cycles. This type of cracking is not necessarily a defect in the work, but is simply movement caused by expansion and contractions, due to freeze and thaw cycles, which is a constant in the nature of concrete.


CORNERSTONE custom brick can solve your winter cracking blues using a sealant, an elastomeric material, which after being applied allows for expansion and contraction between the saw cuts of your concrete walkway, patio, or driveway, with variations created by heat and cold.



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CORNERSTONE custom brick will properly clean out all concrete expansion joints. A commercial-grade backer rod is then installed to adequately hold sealant in place allowing it to adhere to your concrete. Commercial grade sealant is then used to fill gaps, to keep water and air at bay, to prevent water entry in between the saw cuts of your concrete which causes cracking or shifting. Silicone and polyurethane are two popular types of sealant. This preventative process will add longevity to your existing walkway, patio, or driveway.


Polyurethane Sealant Photos